Online Events


“If you want to go new ways, first relax and raise your consciousness vibration to integrate new dimensions of your being … that make you see and feel differently. Through the changed vision, new possibilities arise to create your life.” (Daniel Hertlein)


11 March, Tuesday - 19:30 - 20:10



13 March, Thursday - 19:00 - 22:00


On our inner journey we pass through many gates. The mind expands and the soul recognizes more and more its light. Little by little we learn to let everything be in love and to let the original heart impulse bring us forth. Therefore, for me, a pure heart is the highest realization. And our spiritual practice always lets us be close to that.
Daniel Hertlein

Satsang / Workshop


In a satsang/workshop you explore the timeless truth about the Self. Daniel Hertlein answers your questions with profound ease and sensitive clarity. You experience a field of pure aliveness and stillness, in which your all-embracing and penetrating Self can reveal itself.

Daniel Hertlein approaches the participants of satsangs/workshops very respectfully and directly. In every encounter with him, intense, illuminating transformation processes are being initiated, which require an inner preparation. His online events, such as meditations, satsangs and Zoom one-on-one sessions, serve this purpose. In addition to mutual consent and honest exchange, the willingness to consistently engage with oneself is the necessary prerequisite for participation in the live events.

Further information on the 2025 annual plan and the topics of “The pillars of practice” cycle can be found here.


25 April, Friday - 19:00 - 20:00


Life is a perpetual unfolding.
Only when the aliveness in our heart is allowed to move the body-mind, unshakable peace arises.
And true silence can be realized.
Daniel Hertlein

Self organized events


Daniel Hertlein is pleased to accept invitations from people who have a deep yearning to explore themselves and be close to the light of their own soul. For further information on possible dates and conditions for self-organized satsangs (also online), workshops and retreats, please contact Brigitte Stümpfler at

Now you may not need to be worried, you can be happy.
Grown up and educated in a field of a society that has precise ideas of life and rules, you have been vaccinated with right-and-wrong thinking, and you have cultivated judging and condemning …
You have developed fighting, fleeing or hiding as a behavior to find your place in this world or to escape from the world. You have partially forced your soul into roles to make yourself fit.
Most people have related to your persona, and you have begun to believe in being a persona – an individual, which has to constantly worry about itself. You have adopted power structures to mask your fears and to get what you think you should have.
Believing you had to be better, you engaged in analysis of your agenda and were quite proud of what you realized, how conscious you were. You have tried to educate others according to your knowledge, and you have judged and condemned them when they have not been according to your knowledge – even those who have met you in love.
Oh soul, imprisoned in the dungeon of the conditioned mind. None of it has brought you peace and freedom.
Now you are here and realize that this is not the way to liberation. I’m going to show you something else. And I won’t go on about your persona so that you realize that this was all just a bad dream … that what you are in truth has always been free, always will be and is free now. Let’s start by being silent.
Daniel Hertlein

Online Individual Sessions


Essential contents of the spiritual session:

  • Freeing from physical blocks, suppressed feelings and emotions
  • Dissolving of fears, restrictive patterns of thought and dogmas
  • Perceiving and releasing of energetic dynamics and karmic entanglements
  • Development of deep acceptance of self and honest charity
  • Learning a healthful way of working with medial gifts
  • Opening for the soul’s tasks and guidance towards the divine
  • Finding out of a joyful development of the soul and an authentic existence

Dates and price:
on request

Contact Brigitte Stümpfler for more
information and an appointement:
+49 (0) 151 50 54 26 15