“We honor the divine when we honor and live our life force. Every moment invites us to express the aliveness within us. In the process of accepting and allowing what deeply moves our heart, true joy and lightness is revealed to us.” (Daniel Hertlein)
“The more light floods your body-mind, the more all the structures that cannot withstand the Divine are broken down. Learn how to open your body-mind so that light energy flows freely through your heart. As you experience your high vibrational energy field, you also feel the interaction with everything … and you perceive yourself more and more as that in which this takes place.” (Daniel Hertlein)
“In order to live what you are, you do not need to manipulate the contents of your mind. Release the identification with your mind and your true Self will shine more and more through the simplicity of your existence. No past, no future … no thoughts in the now. Life takes care of itself. Happy in timeless presence. Choosing this again and again is spiritual practice.” (Daniel Hertlein)
“In deep meditation, the purity of your heart attracts the clear, divine light and your soul recognizes itself in the sacred act of union.” (Daniel Hertlein)
“You see what happens from moment to moment and your heart feels it. You experience more and more the “I” as an everlasting presence that accompanies you. Your attention rests in the totality of all things and there is no reference to the appearances in the mind. Absorption happens through divine grace … and lets you enter into the presence of the true being. Far away from time and space the last separation disappears.” (Daniel Hertlein)
“Through our spiritual practice, we allow each person to come alive in our heart. Each encounter carries with it a unique timbre that unfolds in the heart space and gives us the opportunity to discover our interconnectedness. Thus, each exchange becomes a flow of experience that takes place within us, as a part of us. Without forcing the living into conscious, detached units, the heart remains present and free of shadows. Fulfilling joy, whether gentle or strong in its expression, is grounded in the openness and softness of the heart.” (Daniel Hertlein)
“In sleep, the practice, learning and teaching continues for an initiate. He uses the sleeping time and visits the highest schools of the spiritual world. There he receives teachings from God-realized beings and remembers them after waking up or/and the teachings reveal themselves to him to the full extent during his serving activity. Likewise, he has the possibility to stand by souls in need of help during the night to give them valuable light impulses for their healing process. Mostly he appears to the calling souls in their dreams and helps them with their inner ascension.” (Daniel Hertlein)
“The spiritual life is a colorful life. Nothing is favored, nothing is rejected … All facets are affirmed. And yet the body-mind – as conveyed by the heart – paints a masterful life’s work in a unique way.” (Daniel Hertlein)
“Everything we see is constantly changing. And nothing appears without a constant spiritual field in which it appears. Allowing change, the uniqueness of every phenomenon is revealed to us, which is momentarily brought forth in us as a part of us. Thus we recognize in spirit that we are nothing and in our heart we experience that we are everything.” (Daniel Hertlein)
“Clairvoyance enables me to perform targeted light touches for the liberation of mature souls. The sacred light dissolves ancient karmic structures that push themselves from the depths of the unconscious into consciousness to be received, felt and released. Every act of purification – no matter how challenging – is a gift of grace that makes you more transparent and permeable.” (Daniel Hertlein)
“When we leave our hands open and we don’t even think about what we could/should give and take, we perceive a very special fragrance of freedom within us … which is so pure that we fall in love with it. Following love, we are always close to this fragrance … and our actions are full of light.” (Daniel Hertlein)
“We are siblings who share the same breath. But often we don’t behave like this. Practicing reminds us of this fact and lets us experience it … a kind and connected behaviour follows by itself.” (Daniel Hertlein)

(Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj)
Divine Cycle
from the book “Dein Ja zu dir – vom Licht deiner Seele und dem Wirken in der Welt” by Daniel Hertlein

(Shunryu Suzuki Roshi)