By practitioners for practitioners

Putting into words and making visible what moves us inwardly, what we deal with daily, what we practice, explore, rediscover … Our challenges, questions, insights. Giving expression to what cannot be described and conveying it as a feeling. Letting each other share, strengthening each other. Sometimes it is very subtle adjustments that have an enormous influence on our experience – and sometimes profound, transformative experiences.

These articles provide insights into our spiritual practice, news and details. Current practice formats and recommendations are presented, and experience reports shared. Events and practice weeks are brought to life through comments, pictures, short videos and audio sequences published here, even for those who are unable to attend on site.

A place for what inspires us to start our own self-exploration. For togetherness, exchange, creativity, encounters. For what we want to share. An invitation to immerse ourselves in something common. Because here, practitioners write for practitioners. But also for everyone who wants to get to know Daniel Hertlein’s work.

Interview about Daniel's path to realization and his work
December 29, 2024

In this interview, Daniel Hertlein talks openly about formative milestones within his spiritual development. He speaks about his childhood and youth, about abilities and challenges as well as about the masters of his heart - incarnated and from the spiritual world ...

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News from the “Rifugio Vita Luminosa”
October 12, 2024

After months of intensive planning, it is now materializing: where an old garage once stood, the 64 square metre new practice building is now growing. Day by day, it is becoming more visible, more tangible, more realistic ...

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Meditation in the midst of the world
February 28, 2024

In meditation - in your secluded, sacred place - open yourself again and again to the momentary in order to preserve the eternally present awareness when you participate in the world again. So you can be in the world, but not of the world ...

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New paths
November 18, 2023

Two weeks to encounter myself and others in a new way, away from old patterns and beliefs. Giving space to new paths. Getting involved. Being with people who are seriously on the path to self-realization. Experiencing an atmosphere that awakens qualities of the heart. Simply beautiful ...

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How meditation enlightens life
November 16, 2023

What do I experience when I meditate? That is very diverse. In most cases, my awareness of my breathing is heightened – it is an awareness of the beauty of breathing. Air flows in and out automatically and spreads into every corner of my body without me doing anything – what a blessing! ...

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Experiencing connectedness
November 15, 2023

During this week, the term “retreat” was redefined for me. I experienced in my own body how beneficial it is to be able to really “retreat”. Once there, the challenges of everyday life disappeared. I immersed myself in the shared practice, the shared living, the socializing, the work, without having to leave the house ...

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Opening of the ''Rifugio Vita Luminosa'' practice house
November 12, 2023

A refuge for a “luminous life“. How beautiful that sounds and reads!
But what does it mean for us practitioners and our shared practice? What does it mean for Daniel? And for each individual who becomes a part of it either directly on site or through their experienced connectedness? …

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The guru within
November 05, 2023

Once in a Satsang, Daniel as if casually mentioned in a sentence that there is a second heart chakra. As soon as he said that, something inside me was all ears. But he didn’t elaborate that evening and I didn’t ask. I just couldn’t get it out of my head ...

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Subtlety of language and silent communication
October 29, 2023

Daniel's audio recordings as guidance - they are living language and work in subtle ways. The beauty and power of the words lies in their fine energy quality. For their resonance takes place as silent communication in the midst of one's own heart ...

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My mystical encounter with my teacher
October 22, 2023

It happens on a retreat where we are introduced to the basics of “The Yogic Art of Healing” by Daniel. After a common meditation we have the possibility to ask questions and to talk about experiences in our practice. After he has already helped some of our group, I ask him a question about my meditation practice. He just looks at me, no answer.

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True accompaniment on my heart journey
October 08, 2023

Daniel’s work is a clear training for people on the way to God, a blessing for all who seek their innermost truth and feel an insatiable longing in themselves. Through touch or eye contact, the spiritual master can awaken the divine primal force of Kundalini, which dwells in every human being, and accompany its ascent through the energy centers.

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